My name is Coulter Neale. My wife, Rykki and I have two kids, Rhiannon and Zeke. My wife and I grew up here in Shoshoni and we are excited to be back. We have been in La Barge and Big Piney for the last 6 years where I taught choir. I am looking forward to teaching music and building a strong music program here.

As we continue to update our new website, we will keep you updated. On the website, through a browser on your phone or desktop (not the app), there is now an option under Menu:School Info to see the school events calendar in a calendar view and not a list. We have also added a page under Quick Links:Community for the Shoshoni Recreation District. Go check out their upcoming activities and get signed up!

Please help us welcome Mrs. Peregoy!
My name is April Peregoy and I am the new Special Education Administrative Assistant. Many of you may already know me through my husband, Drew. The Shoshoni school and community has been very good to us over the past 10 years that my husband has been teaching here, and I am so excited to now be more involved in it as well!
I grew up in Big Piney (good ol' Icebox of the Nation), which is a great place to grow up; not just because of the wonderful people who live there, but because it forces you to be tough in order to survive the winters. I attended CWC in Riverton (where Drew and I met) and obtained my BA in History from Chadron State College. I also have an MAS in Library & Information Science. Drew and I have been living in Fremont County for 10 years now. My most recent job was at the Wyoming Livestock Board, working as the administrative assistant to the Wyoming State Veterinarian. I am currently president of the Wyoming Chapter of ARMA International and vice-president of the Fremont County Group Homes.
Drew and I have 4 furry, four-legged kids: 2 Jack Russell terriers, a Boston terrier, and a cat. Besides animals, I also love music. I have been in choirs all my life, and I am currently in the CWC Collegiate Chorale and learning how to play bass guitar and piano. I enjoy traveling, reading a good book, golfing, and spending time in the mountains or at the lake.
I'm looking forward to the upcoming school year and getting to know all of you better!

Please help us welcome Mr. Wood!
I would first like to thank School District #24 for the opportunity to teach! To be able to teach and coach has been a dream of mine since I was in Middle School. It is the only thing I can see myself doing in life! I had an amazing experience being taught and I want to give every student in the community the same opportunity.
My family and I are extremely excited to join the community and look forward to getting to know everyone. I have resided in Basin, Wy for the past 23 years where I graduated from Riverside Highschool. I will be teaching 7th-12th grade Physical Education. I will also be one of the assistant coaches for high school football and high school boys basketball! I hope to make an impact on each and every student, help students believe in themselves and help them reach goals so they can become productive members of society after their schooling.
I received my B.S. degree in December of 2017, and I am currently working on getting my Adapted Physical Education endorsement. During my time at college, I also got the opportunity to throw for the track team at the University of Wyoming. I also did a short stint playing football at Black Hills State University. I graduated high school in 08’ and took a break to make some money so I could continue my education and reach my goal of becoming a teacher and a coach. It is hard to even put into words how excited I am to begin this journey!
In my spare time, I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, backpacking, and spending time with my family. My wife is currently a Medical Assistant but soon to be a stay at home mom. I have two amazing boys ages 6 and 1. The oldest will be attending Kindergarten in Shoshoni. I am extremely excited to get to know as many people as possible and want to thank everyone for the opportunity to be a part of the community. If you have any questions please feel free to stop by my office and talk or say hello anytime! I am excited to now call myself a Wrangler! Go Wranglers!
Toby Wood

Board Meeting Monday, August 19, 2019. New staff reception 5 PM and meeting starts at 5:30 PM. https://bit.ly/305YHDw

Please help us welcome Mr. Homec!
Hi I am Steve Homec, l am the new team player on the Transportation Dept. I am married, my wife's name is Angie. I have 5 wonderful grandkids and 2 furbabies.

If you have not already done so, please log on to your parent portal account in Infinite Campus and register your students for the 2019/2020 school year.
Students will receive a packet of papers on the first day of school with their computer insurance information, health information sheet, free/reduced lunch application and the last page of the student handbook. Students in grades 7-12 will not receive their computer until Online Registration and all other paperwork has been turned in to the high school office.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Lesa in the high school office (876-2576) or Lisa in the elementary office (876-2563)
Elementary and Secondary handbooks can be found on the school web page. http://www.shoshonischools.org

Please help us welcome Ms. Reid!
Hello Wrangler Community! I am Alanna Reid and I will be one of the new math teachers for the 2019-2020 school year. I graduated from the University of Wyoming with my Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Mathematics Education in May of this year. I am excited to have my own classroom and learn from the staff, students, and community in Shoshoni.

Good morning Wrangler Fans,
I'm attaching the most recent version of the sports schedules. I have updated the school's Google Calendar.
There have been 4 modifications:
JH FB @ Thermopolis on August 30th will start at 2pm (not 3pm)
Added Y girls basketball @ Lander on Monday, October 28th at 4/5pm
Added Y boys basketball vs Lander on Monday, February 3 at 4:30/5:30pm
Added HS WR Duel @ Lovell on February 7 at 6pm. HS WR is scheduled to duel @ Rocky Mountain at 2pm and will just extend their stay on the Montana border to take on Tongue River and Lovell.
I'll send more updates as they happen!
Mr. Mills

Please help us welcome Mrs. Marshall!
Hello Wranglers! My name is Tami Marshall and I’ll be starting this year as an Elementary Special Education Paraprofessional. I have been a resident of Fremont County my entire life and I couldn’t be more excited to join such an amazing team that works so hard for the benefit of the students! The past 3 years I have been a substitute on the elementary side and it convinced me I wanted to be full time. I have two beautiful daughters that both attend Shoshoni Elementary, and 3 stepsons that have all graduated and are on to their adult lives. I was raised on a Hereford cattle ranch in Lander and my family still has a small herd. I love animals and spending time as a family outside, we LOVE boating, fishing, and camping. I cannot wait for the school year to begin and get to know all of our students, and to work with them every day! Thank you for welcoming me into your community, have an amazing year!

We would like to introduce Mr. Sova to you and a little information from him!
Greetings, I am excited to join School Dist. #24 and am looking forward to meeting parents and
staff and working with a number of students at Shoshoni Middle and High Schools. I will be
teaching 7th -12th Grade Special Education as well as coaching Varsity Boys’ Basketball.
I will be beginning my 35th year of teaching and coaching. I served Big Horn School District #4 in
Basin, WY for 24 years and have also worked at Rock Springs, Thermopolis, and Missoula, MT. I
hope to make a difference with Shoshoni schools and am excited to help kids become the best
that they can be.
I received my B.S. Degree from MSU-Billings and in 2000 completed my Master’s Degree with a
focus on Curriculum and Instruction as well as Learning Disabilities. My wife Sherry also works
in the education field and is totally committed to helping students achieve.
Please stop in and say hi when you get a chance! Go Wranglers!

HSFB practice will start at 3 PM on Monday 8/19 and Tuesday 8/20.There will be a 45 min-1 hour break and will practice until 9 PM. Wednesday 8/21-Friday 8/23 practice will be over at 7:30 PM

There will be a fall sports parent meeting during open house on August 20, 2019 at 6PM in the Commons.

Message from Mr. Weber:
Junior High Football Checkout
Monday August 19th 4-7 PM
Tuesday August 20th 4-5 PM & 7-8 PM

Parent Information from Mrs. Lesa!

Don’t miss any updates from Shoshoni Schools! YOU decide which areas you would like to receive notifications about.

August 12th at 6 PM
The Town, Shoshoni School, WYDOT, and HDR Engineering will hold a public information meeting/open
house to inform the public of the Shoshoni Sidewalk Improvement Project and the proposed
signage, crosswalk, school zone, and Safe Route sidewalk improvements.

Congratulations to the beef showmen from Shoshoni today!! FFA and Senior 4H Champion Chase Taylor, Megan Harris Champion Intermediate and Trai Lopez Reserve Intermediate 4H and 3rd in FFA, Ryker Crimm Champion Junior and Irelyn Campbell Reserve Junior Showman!!
Arie Michelena showing her lamb in FFA showmanship made the final cut.

Special Meeting Notice-SRO

A huge Wrangler shout-out to one of our very own - Jesse Smith!! Wyoming secondary STEAM teacher of the year 2019! Such a deserving award and speaks volumes to the work he does with our students at SHOSHONI! Congrats!!